Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Hey, y'all!

Well, I'm done with finals, but not quite home free. My fam's moving right now, so I'm going to be in and out of internet access for a couple weeks. However, I will, over the summer, be able to keep this blog more updated!

So, for right now, I know what my quest is for the summer: to figure out who I am, and who God wants me to be. I realize that's a lifetime goal, but I want to really focus on that over the next three months. That, reading, writing, running, and playing Frisbee.

Also, if y'all would be praying for a friend of mine whose brother is having some pretty major health problems, I'd really appreciate it. I don't know a ton about the exact problems, but it's not a great situation.



Lady Brainsample said...

Yay!! Edge lives! Yay as well for finals being done!

Wow, that was an exclamation point filled comment...

Holly said...

Hurrah for more blogging!

Maya Ganesan said...

Oh goody! We get to see more of you! That's always fab.

Anyway, I get your summer quest. I've wanted to do that too -- and yup, summer's the best time for it.

Priya said...

You sound like you have a fabulous plan for yourself. :)

Q said...

Keep at it!