Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yes, it has been a month

A very, very busy month. I'm not sure if blogging is a good idea for me right now as I've started up sophomore year. Aka, I'm not sure if I'll be posting more than a couple times a month, which somewhat defeats the purpose to me. I don't know. Thoughts?


Erin said...

I say just blog when you can. Don't give it up entirely (please). :)

Q said...

Ditto Erin. I like reading you what you do post far too much to let you go without a fight. ;)

anilee said...

You can't leave completely, Edge!

Holly said...

The purpose is never defeated!

Priya said...

It's your choice, but I love reading your blog posts. You don't have to blog all the time... I don't think it defeats the purpose.

Edge said...

Erin - okayyyyy, since you asked nicely :p
Q - .....*backs away slowly* I don't want a fight! Haha =P
Madison - I would feel bad abandoning my fellow ex-homeschooler collegiate bloggers :D
Cuil - okay :D
Priya - well, if you read Q's comment, I don't think it really is my choice.....