Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The craziness

So, here's what's happened in my life over the last six weeks.

*I decided not to return to the university I attended for the past three semesters.

*It was too late to transfer, so I am taking this semester off.

*I moved from Houston to Austin, three hours away from my family.

*I am volunteering more than part-time but not quite full-time at a church office.

*I am playing frisbee.

*I am running.

*I have gotten into the world of ballroom/more classic dance (blues is my favorite so far - swing isn't bad, but there are a million variations on it, few of which I know...)

*I have unearthed an old, old writing project (Novel the First), and a character I had trouble making truly frightening IS really a scary guy now. :-)

*I have gotten back in touch with a friend from school who moved here a year ago, and I feel like I'm getting some of those teenage girl experiences like sitting in her car after dancing and talking for hours about life and guys. I didn't get that in high school, so it's nice to have it now.

*I know where I"m going this fall.

*I don't know what I'm majoring in, or if I'm going to take an extra semester in order to do a particular honors program.

*It doesn't matter now, though. I have time, and God is good.


Erin said...

Yes. I have time, and God is good.

Judi said...

I'm on Facebook too much. I searched for the button to like this post. :P

CHEERS for figuring out all this stuff and having fun! :D