Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First sentences

Her grandfather was a preacher, and he named her Grace.

I almost won't read a book if I don't like the first sentence. I know, perhaps a silly reason to set a book back on the shelf, but there's such an art to the first sentence. There are a few of my own I rather like (Biased much? :P). That first bit in italics is one I wrote last night (I know, I actually started something. It's a shock to me as well).

Edward Taravella loathed hostages.

That's an older of mine.

Anyways. As you might tell, I'm feeling a bit random. I've been reading so much C.S. Lewis for summer school I'm thinking half in British English. Not sure if that's good or bad.

What are some of your favourite first sentences? Please share.


Araken said...

"There was a boy named Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it."


Q said...

I agree with Araken.

My current first line is "Before I entered the Hall, before I even started running, I knew I was too late."

Erin said...

That first one is intriguing, because why was her grandfather the one doing the naming?

Erin said...

p.s. I have a favorite that I've written but I'm paranoid about theft so I'll email you. hahah.

Holly said...

"When I was nine years old, I hid under a table and heard my sister kill a king." Quest for a Maid.

Lady Brainsample said...

"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit."

The Snarky Narwhal said...

i never thought about the first line like that... I always looked at the story line on the inside sleeve to see if it was something i would like...and i'll be honest the book cover always gets me...

Edge said...

Araken - good pick!

Q - Love it! What's it from? It sounds terribly familiar.

Erin - :)

Holly - that is fantastic! I may have to get this book now!

Lady B - classic :D

PAC - the book cover is before the first sentence, as far as what I see first, so I agree on that one. If the cover doesn't catch my eye, I'll rarely pick it up unless I'm terrifically bored, it's an intriguing title, or it's recommended reading.