Friday, June 4, 2010

oh hai thar

I got my wisdom teeth out this morning. The whole experience thus far has been decent but strange. But, on the other hand, I see how some artists and authors came up with what they did while consuming large doses of drugs. Vicodin is some strong stuff, as was whatever they put in the IV drip to knock me out before surgery.

So now I am sporting this awesome non-sexy chipmunk-face librarian look with my glasses (which I never wear), hair in a mess, wads of gauze in my mouth, and ice wrap around my head (it looks something like the bandage about Jacob Marley's head, for those of you who have watched A Christmas Carol). The drool has not been to big an issue, as I regained feeling in my lips a few hours ago. I think. Time has been a blur of floatiness, sleepiness, quite a bit of pain, pills eating away at the pain, some lovely piano music (google Ludovico Einaudi and listen. Yes, it's a command), and very little food.

I am, unfortunately, craving pizza. Rawr. That is going to be what I eat in a few days. After I play frisbee. I am supposed to wait five to seven days before any strenuous activity. Frisbee is on Tuesday night. That's four and a half days. Close enough in my book ;)


Julia said...

Wisdom teeth pullings do hurt. Don't get infected... xx

Anonymous said...

Wow! My guy has to get his pulled Tuesday. It doesn't sound like fun at all. Quick recovery!!!

Holly said...

I had one of those ice-pack-holders; I know precisely what you speak of. Feel bettah soon, my mads!

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon so you can eat some dim sum! :)

Edge said...

Julia - eeks, nooooo. I can't even imagine how badly that would suck...

Twinkiesaregross - best of luck to him! Lots of icing (packages of frozen peas are the best), and lots of ice cream. Although, one does get sick of ice cream after a while.

Hols - thanks, dear! :)

aipingplum - YES. I have a growing mental list of solid foods to be eaten soon :D