Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I had an interesting morning. Let me explain. My XC team was supposed to have practice at 6:30 this morning. I did not get to bed until 11:30 last night, exceedingly late for me. Alright, rather late. Exceedingly late is past midnight. I mentally slapped myself about eight times when my alarm went off at 6:10. I laid in bed for another minute, debating whether I should say to heck with it and purposefully skip practice for the first time. I decided that, since this was the first official practice since the season ended a couple weeks ago, I should drag myself out of bed.

Berating myself for staying up so late, I crawled out of bed (technically, out from under my bed, but that's another story), and turned my phone on as I slouched into the bathroom. My phone beeped. I checked the text message.

"Practice has been cancelled because of the rain, if you're on campus, you can meet to run at 6:30."

Operative word: can. Not 'will' or 'should' or 'must'. I said a prayer of thanksgiving, shut the lights off, crawled back into bed, drew up the covers, and promptly fell asleep.

And had a rather odd dream.

In this dream, the father (who I've never met) of one of my classmate's had the codes to set off nuclear weapons, and planned to direct them at some other country to start a war between that country and the US. I somehow knew about all this and got scrambled copies of all the control codes. Somehow my grandfather used an old military cipher to find out the code that would disable the bombs.

Now the part that still makes me grit my teeth a little. I thought that this classmate was clueless to his father's evil scheme, and was in some kind of danger. In real life, this person is rather intelligent, and he was in the dream too...perhaps just naive. So I tried protecting him, only to find out later he was freaking working for his dad the whole time. The only reason he was being my friend was to find out if I was the person who intercepted those codes., at this point I punched him. Knocked him out, actually. And called him something I've never said in real life. Perhaps it was a bit like this dream, because most times in dreams, something weird always happens, and I can't do what I want to. Nope. I totally knocked this kid's lights out. Eventually I managed to defuse the bombs or something like that, and I woke up, wondering what the heck I just dreamed, and what it meant, if anything.

Because I have to say, if there was any person I might want to punch at some point in the future, it would be him.

I just reviewed the whole post to make sure that if this person decided, after this long, to read my blog, he would not be able to tell to whom I am referring. 'Cause that could just be bad, you know?


Q said...

That dream is pretty much amazing. I approve.

Lady Brainsample said...

I agree with Q. That sounds like a dream I would try to fictionalize in some form, though, knowing me, I wouldn't be able to. ;)

Jamin said...

Why can't I have interesting dreams? You seem to get all the good ones!

Polka Dotted Pickles said...

Thank God for lifesaving text messages. :)

Judi said...

I hate dreams like that..they're so, but weird..:D
Oh, and you got whiplash?? That is so cool...*cough* I mean sorry about giving you whiplash, but I'm glad you like it. I work hard on it, just for you :D

Edge said...

Q: It was pretty cool.

Lady B: I'm thinking about fictionalizing it, definitely.

Jamin: they're far and few in between, trust me :-)

PDP: Yeah, I was sooo happy.

Cuileann: Yes. He was in the dream. He also is the bearer of the sweater (wordpress). So yeah, that's interesting, what?

Judi: You can be a pain, but I love you anyway:-)

Judi said...

Oh really?? I say the same thing about you ;-)
PS: *lowers voice to a whisper* I think you're my favorite blogger friend :D