Sunday, November 9, 2008

Odds and Ends

A list of assorted randomness:

1. I am still alive, and feeling bad I haven't posted in a week.

2. Allergies are kicking my behind - I think I've gone through two boxes of Kleenex in the past three days. No joke.

3. I got 12 gallons of gas for 23.50 today. Big yay. I don't remember the last time gas was under 2/gallon.

4. Apparently the Goldfish mascot is named Finn. All you Shannon Hale fans: is this not, at the least, disturbing, and at the greatest, heresy?

5. I like dark chocolate. White chocolate is beyond my power to describe. Cuileann did it nicely here. I agree with her whole-heartedly.

6. This is hilarious. I've watched it four times and still crack up.

7. I really want this for Christmas.


Erin said...

Ooh! Pretty jacket!

And the Finn thing is kind of funny. But also totally heretical.

Polka Dotted Pickles said...

Ugh, allergies? I dunno where you live, but we may be getting snow here tonite. Allergy season totally over... :)

Edge said...

Miss E: I saw that on my goldfish package today and wasn't sure whether to laugh, or continue to stare, totally aghast. Yes, I looove that jacket. It's on my Christmas list.

PDP: Houston. Ick. About everyone has come down with allergy-related ickness. Ah, the joys of snow. I used to live in Amarillo, so I do know snow well :p

Q said...

It's heresy. Burn at the stake--toothpick.

White chocolate is good. Don't deny it. It's bland, but delectable.

Lady Brainsample said...

Ugh... I'm getting a bit of that allergy issue these days as well...
And about 'Finn'.... I obviously haven't read that Shannon Hale yet. But I'd think that the mascot would've come first? Hmm.... I still LOVE goldfish...

Rebecca Joy said...

Oh my. I've known for a while the goldfish's name is Finn, but I never thought of BoB Finn before...heh. Anyway, tasty goldfish.

I like dark chocolate, too. White chocolate...not so much. :)

Jamin said...

I've seen that video before! I'll bet there wasn't a lot of exageration in it.

Edge said...

Q: I'll go get a match :p

Lady B: You MUST read Shannon Hale's books. All of them. They are amazing.

Rebecca Joy: Yes, despite the whole Finn issue, goldfish are very tasty. Especially the extreme cheddar kind.

Jamin: There couldn't have been. My dad did this when he was a kid. Especially the gopher face part.

Araken said...

That is a nice jacket!

Holly said...

Ooh, I'm sorry. Allergies are miserable. :(

I'm glad to see you are with the forces of good on the issue of white "chocolate." We will overcome.

I did know that about Finn, actually. So strange.