Friday, August 29, 2008

Am I going to be able to breathe today?

Well. As much as people have been flipping out about my age, I find it ironic I forgot today was my birthday until one of my suitemates said something about it. That may have to do with the mental exhaustion of reading an entire Presocratics book in a day, along with two acts of Julius Caesar, and two chapters of Bible commentaries. I'm not complaining, mind you. I just haven't been reading at a level of this intensity or sheer volume in a long time. I'll live. And thrive, hopefully.

I don't feel any older, really. I usually don't on birthdays, so no disappointment there. Until about three today, I have no classes, so I'll stretch, study, stretch more, organize, etc. At about two or three o'clock, I'll pack - my first cross-country race is this evening. Here's where the busy part starts: I'm following the school vans in my car. And then I'm racing. And within thirty minutes of finishing, I'll be driving down the road to my little sister's race. And I'll cheer for her, and then spend the night at my parents'.

Hopefully, I’ll remember to breathe – very well. I can’t decide whether I’m anxious or anticipatory about the race. Maybe both. The last couple years of cross-country, to put it in an ineloquent but precise way, sucked for me. I think this year might be different. I’m praying it is. That’s about all that’s gotten me the past couple years of running. Although having a rough time was good for me, in some ways. I think that’s when I discovered I had a passion for writing, and I threw myself into that (too much at times) instead of running. Maybe it’s coming full-circle, and I’m working on a balance now. I don’t know. Just my thoughts for the day.


Judi said...

I remembered.. :D Even if you didn't. ;)

Erin said...

*cheers and throws confetti*

Anil P said...

Let the two parts loose, they'll find the balance themselves.

Balance is harmony, and harmony is not necessarily found 'fifty-fifty'.

You write well is an understatement.

Happy Birthday.

Grace K. said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD!!! Hope you have a great day! *hugs her*

(in reply to your comment)
Edge, HA! You're right...we did hit it off so well. :D

*snickers, then sighs* Yes, I have two little sisters and three younger brothers. I think the term 'you have your hands full' is a bit of a understatement. ;)

Lol..guess what? I was in Houston yesterday! I typed out a comment on your blog saying I hoped (wishful thinking) we might bump in to each other...but I guess it didn't go through. *tear* Hee hee.

We went to the Galleria. I was in Heaven. All the shops...La Madeline's....Starbucks...the last Mocha frap I had was on July 5. Isn't that sad? Nearly two whole months without Starbucks.

It would have been really cool to meet you. :)

I agree with Anil. You're a amazing writer! :)

Much love,

Q said...

Happy birthday! One year until real adulthood and no more checking the "minor" box!

original-knitter said...

This is Ashley. From the writers Bloc group.

Happy Birthday...:D.
Hope you have fun this year...

Somnite said...

Happy Birthday!!!

*$@*%@$*@%*@$*@*%@*$@*%*@%$(confetti, not swear words)

You'll do fine, and even if you don't you'll definitely be better next year. (I know that isn't helpful or consoling, but it's what you're supposed to say)

Jamin said...


Just hang on and the running will come through. That's my opinion anyway:).

How far did you run in the race?

Grace K. said...

Thank you, Edge!!! Please, PLEASE pray it does pass; I don't want our house to be gone when we come back! *sighs* Ah well. It's all in God's hands...'not mine but Thy Will be done'....I trust Him, whatever may happen. :)

*screams* I know! I could have sworn it published the comment, but then when we got back and I checked it was nowhere to me seen. I was huffing. *wacks computer*

Anyhoo, like I said, my mom and dad want to leave in the middle of the morning, cause they need to sleep, but I think we should leave late at night, say midnight or one. Less traffic then, don't you think? I know we'll all be awake, jittery and running around making sure we have everything.

I'm pretty sure we'll go through Houston! I'll talk to my dad when he gets back from Wal-Mart (he's buying yarn for my sisters and I, so I can crotchet in the car, and teach my sisters).

I really am quite sure we will go through Houston; whether we'll stop is another story. I'll see if we will stop to eat, hopefully at the Galleria!! :D

I'll try and get on later, after I talk to my dad. Do you have class tomorrow?

P.S. I LOVE La Medeline's and the Cheesecake Factory!

Holly said...

*raises mug of tea* To Edge not only lasting, but thriving!

Hope the race went well and you had an awesome birthday!

Grace K. said...

Ok...we ended up driving through Houston while I was sleeping. *sniffs* :(

We're in the Valley, down near the bottom of Texas with my mom's family. I'm typing on my grandfather's laptop right now.

But maybe on our way back up, I can convince them to stop! I know I'll be hungry for tomato and potato soup! Lol...I love their soup too. When we went there the other day, I had the Chicken Pesto Pasta and their Ceasar salad. *mouth waters* And I stole some of my brother's soup. ;)

That's awesome that your school is fifteen minutes away! Do you go to La Madeline's for lunch sometimes? ;)

Aaahhh, if only we could have stopped!!! Well, it was like five in the morning so we just drove on...

Grace K. said...

I definitely will! :) Yeah, I love it too, but I haven't eaten at the one in the Galleria. I ate at one in Hawaii. It was good. I had this HUGE Ceasar salad, and pasta. :)

I'm not sure how long we're planning to stay in Texas. The weather channel said Gustav is probably going to hit land tomorrow morning, so we'll probably be here a few days. I just asked my dad and he said it depends on the exstent of damage...

We'll just have to hope you won't have class and my family stops at the Galleria when we do pass back through Houston! ;)

Araken said...

Happy birthday!