Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yet Another Update

I'm working on the short story thing. I promise. I just packed a huge suitcase with two pairs of running shoes, a pair of boots, a pair of heels, a tool kit, and some other stuff. And then I went through my clothes and donated some stuff to my sister. Why I am posting a laundry list (no pun intended)? I don't know. Maybe because my brain is whirling? I'm not panicking (at the moment), so it's a good day. It's cloudy out - looks like rain!! I love rain. And thunderstorms, especially. It's weird. I've found that a lot of bloggers love thunderstorms. It must be imagination...

Hmm... it was a dark and story night. No, my bad. A dark and stormy noon. The clouds, thick like mashed potatoes - no! Awful. What was I thinking?

Okay, round two. Ahem:

It was a dark and stormy noon. The rain collected in the clouds, intent on pummeling the earth, longing for that signal, the breaking of the clouds, so they could complete their mission.

Raindrop #296 looked at his partner, 297. "Mission?"

297 rearranged his atoms to smile; he resembled a grinning blimp. "A rose bush. Award-winner. Joseph's Coat."

His friend 299, the new kid, winced. "Ouch. Watch for the thorns."

297 nodded sagely. He was a veteran, having been reincarnated three hundred and fifty-nine times through the water cycle. He was at Gettysburg. He was at the battle of Arbonne. A rose bush was cake for him. "I'll hit the flower, slid down the curve of the top petal, past the leaves, and down the stem. Unless an enemy derails me, I'll make it to the base of the plant and the soil. After that..."

The three fell silent, silently honoring their fates. It went unsaid, but they thought of the same thing: how some of their number would fall into the street and roll in a teeming mass of other drops into the sewer. From there it was a long underground ride, through processors, to the ocean. It could be a month before Evaporation, that heavenly being, lifted them from the sea into the sky.

And those were the lucky ones. Those like 297, who fulfilled their mission, would seep into the soil. The roots of the rose would eventually slurp him into its system, deconstructing him and using his different molecules for its life processes. He would be torn apart. It would be months at the least, even years before he took that celestial journey into the clouds again.

Look, a short! How did that happen? :-)


Q said...

I don't know and I don't care--I'm just glad it DID happen! So interesting.

Erin said...

Wow, what a cool point of view. Writing about raindrops...you have a great imagination. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was really creative. I like it a lot. :)


Anonymous said...

Amazing, Edge. Your writing skills are so cool :)

Judi said...

Raindrops...very creative, Edge. :)

Grace K. said...

How did this come to mind? *grins*

Utter dumbfoundment aside - it was great! I think I can safely say I've never heard about a story from a riandrop's point of veiw! Very, very cool.

And now my dear Edge, to your "AHHH!" post. That's so cool. Just a few days away from a dorm room! Ah! I'm so excited for you...congrats! Let us know how it is. :)

*groans* Oh, boy. I seriously need to invest in a laptop. *smiles* Hello, my name is Grace. And I'm a computer/Internet/Blogger addict. :D Lol... I dream of iPods and drool over my best friend's whenever I get the chance. I love music, and it can be annoying lugging around a great case crammed with cds.

Of course I'll pray for you! *hugs her*

:) Grace

Grace K. said...

I was re-reading your comment and all I can say is: Awww! Thanks! :) I'm quite proud of that post because I think it my first real "deep" post, so I'm so glad to hear you felt content reading it!

I will definitely keep you in my prayers...and I hope the stress eases up soon. :)

Thanks again Edge, for your lovely words. I'm so glad we've "met". Oh, no, no. I don't think you could write anything "stilted"... I usually have the same feeling though, when I try to write a certain way. I end up feeling frusturated and whiped out, but I guess I managed to loosen that day. :)

I glad you got to see the 1969 one. I think it's much better then the newest one. Shakepeare in modern clothes is always...interesting, but it truly comes alive in costume.

Well, I AM fifteen, and a total romantic, so I just about swooned when I was watching it. *grins guiltly*

I also saw the 1969 film first and then read the play...

*gasps* YOU TOO?!? Oh my gosh! I just kept going, "He looks like Zac Efron, he looks like Zac Efron, he looks like ZAC EFRON." Lol...well, actually Zac Efron looks like him, 'cuz Leonard Whiting (Romeo) was born first. Plus he had a georgous British accent. :D

For me the passion that the two young actors brought to their roles made it so more magical. I loved Mercutio...he was so droll and witty!

Grace K. said...

Oh, and guess what? You got me onto shorts! I'm going to try and post one soon! :)

Paris said...

Cute idea. I love raindrops!

Holly said...

Haha, that's great.

I DO love thunderstorms...

Somnite said...

I love raindrops. Lol, the raindrops are so serious, and yet the story was almost humorous at the same time. I'm not a "shorts" person but I found it most interesting.

Sapphira Adi said...

I liked the raindrops! Great point of view!

Edge said...

Q: Me too! I was trying to be goofy for a few sentences...and as usual, I can't cut myself short.

Erin: Thanks! Again, I have NO IDEA where it came from.

Leigha: Glad you liked it!

RJ: Yay! I'm glad my writing is cool :-)

Judi: Thanks - keep working on those shorts of yours! I like them!

Raewyn: *grins sheepisly* Hi, I am a techno addict. I love iPods, the way the new Mac Book Air looks, computers, and the Internet. And the whole Zac Efron thing...that's too funny. I kept looking at Romeo and thinking "Man, he looks really familiar". And I so enjoyed your 'deep' post. Perhaps 'stilted' isn't the best word: maybe 'not as profund' is.
And yes, post a short! I'm glad I've inspired someone :-)

Paris: Me too!

Cuileann: It's a blogger thing, I'm sure of it.

Somnite: Thanks! I knew I could bamboozle you into liking a short :-)

Sapphira Adi: I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Judi said...

Are you guys serious about Zac Efron looking like Leonard Whiting?? Because if you are...I don't think I'll watch that...

The_Ballerina said...

very imaginative! I really enjoyed reading it.

P.S. hope you don't mind me dropping by :)