Saturday, August 16, 2008


I have five days until I leave for college. I can find less than a square foot of carpet space in my closet, due to bags and boxes. Two monster traveling-to-China-for-a-month-size suitcases are hogging my floor space. My bed is a mess. At least I don't have to help pack the rest of the house, like I have on many of our moves (this will be my seventh move - I like the number 7, so it could be worse :-)

On a happier note: I finished the rough draft of my third novel yesterday. It was late, and I was pounding it out just to have it done, so when I'm through here I'll go back and tidy up the jagged edges I left. Yay! It's in first-person present tense, which came easier than I thought it would. I started it in past tense, but that lacked a certain vibe. My sister (also a writer) agreed, so I switched it to present. It forced me to use more action verbs, because I can get away with more slow-moving description in past tense. Present is cleaner-cut, I think, faster-moving. Don't get me wrong, I still love first-person past. This was a great change, though.

Toodles, must go!


Judi said...

hmm...wanna hear something scary? That sounds like my room..minus the suitcases. :) Just kidding.

And no, the short story on my blog wasn't a least, it wasn't supposed to thought it was one?

Echoes in Ink said...

Wow! Congratulations! I have NEVER been able to write in the present tense.I'm sure that story is really neat.

Erin said...

Woo-hoo! Go Edge!

Traci said...

rough draft? Great job!!

The_Ballerina said...

Congrats on the novel!

Q said...

Oh, why do you have to be so awesome?