Monday, May 3, 2010

Brilliance and Wonderfulness

So, I get to go to Oxford and London this summer. I am psyched beyond belief. As cultural preparation, a well-meaning friend suggested I watch Dr. Who, as it's apparently a British cultural icon. The well-meaning interwebs found me a website that has the episodes playing on a roll-over basis, from one episode to the next and so on. I have currently chewed through a season and a half.

In three days.

Usually, watching more than four episodes of a show gives me burn-out. Not so. The show really is brilliant. It's much smarter than most American television shows, objectionable content is rather low (granted, there is a fair number of explosions, but mostly fire, smoke and noise, not gore, and there is a tiny bit of language, but mild swearing always sounds better in a British accent. Don't deny it.) There's continuity, and both actors who play Dr. Who are fantastic. The show bounces between futuristic planets (very convincingly created) and Earth's past. The futuristic technology is fantastic. The humor is so British, and amazing.

Plus, there are a plethora of British and Scottish accents.

Wipe up my drool, please., don't, actually, go watch. I believe Netflix has the episodes available for online viewing, should you have Netflix service. If not, the eps are online multiple places. I know a bunch of you have finals coming up, so save this for your summer reward.

*fangirls out*


Priya said...

I've heard it's really good... for some reason, a lot of the kids in my class are obsessed with that show.

Q said...

Um, if I didn't love you so much, I'd hate you right now. London and Oxford? Envy envy envy.

I've heard many good things about Dr. Who. I think I may have to add that to my list of shows to watch this summer (the first on the list is Firefly).

Anonymous said...

Ahh! You're making me want to watch! I shall try to look it up on netflix. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! For study abroad or what? SO exciting. Ya, accents are hot. :) No arguments there...

Erin said...

I wish I could go to England wiiiith youuuuuuu.

(interesting word ver: "unhero")

The Snarky Narwhal said...

If i ever get to london I want to go to hyde park and see the peter pan would be so amazing to see that.

I hope you have a blast!

Edge said...

Priya - it's so intelligent compared to most US shows. Besides, the Dr. Who actors are both handsome and delectably accented :P

Q - I am SO EXCITED, and if you only watched Firefly and Dr. Who this summer, it would make my life.

aipingplum - please do. It's fantastic :)

Twinkiesaregross - yes, indeed, studies abroad...six hours of credit! :D And oh yes, can't wait for the accents :D

Miss E - Um, yes, because then we would undoubtedly run into our future husbands there!!

pinkapplecore - should I get to Hyde Park, I shall take pics of the statue for you :)

Julia said...

London and Oxford! I do envy you, fellow Texanite.