Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I enter, laugh, am hugged hard while she
and I smile. Friends together four months,
and back together. Perhaps it will be different
this time.

Five minutes later I stand by the elevators
hearing voices ring against the stainless steel doors.
She and another, eyes wide, laughing, heads tilted,
mermaid hair streaming.
Off two steps, half-there, half-not
a seeming imposition, I stand
wondering what it is about me
that I do not - can not - join these talks.
When she and I are alone it seems
we are sisters.
When she and I and x or y stand near each other
I am out of the equation

They don't do it on purpose
but I become a stranger
pushing myself into the conversation.
When they are in the suite
I am an interloper
in my home.

I know. I am different. Somehow in a way
I cannot yet define.
I search for the other one that is different
the other one who stands just outside the groups
of two or three
and does not join but waits
a entity, separate and unique
thinking, watching, observing, alright alone
but also desiring to know
a similar soul.


Q said...

I know how that feels.

Emily said...


This just swallowed me whole; I LOVE how it flows; I love "mermaid hair streaming" and "half-there, half-not" and "a way I cannot yet define" and I. LOVE. THIS.


Your writing lately is purely amazing. I LOVE the last one, too. Wow-o-wow-o-wow!

Lady Brainsample said...

"Perhaps it will be different this time."

So true...I can't tell you how many times I've thought that same thought.

Holly said...

Oy vay, you me and Q...this is so expressive.