Friday, January 30, 2009

Because I'm too tired to think of a coherent paragraph.


-Ultimate Frisbee is the sport of champions.

- Note to self : Although Ultimate is the best sport ever, one should not stick one's hand in the way of a Frisbee traveling seventy miles an hour.

- Yes, there is a nice red welt. Possibly a bruise tomorrow.

- Perhaps donating both ice packs when I'm going to be sore isn't the best idea. Too late now.

- 16 credit hours + track + non-relationship = stressed-out blogger who hasn't written a word of fiction in over a month.

- Noise is irritating at this point.

- Shrieking girls are irritating at this point.

- I hate technical writing with a passion.

- I am so confused.

- Can I just go to sleep for a month?

- My head hurts, my nose is raw, and my heart hurts too.

Yes. Edge is having a rough month. Clearly. She's talking about herself in third person. I just want all this stuff to go one way or another and be resolved! Argh! For some reason, I was thinking about this a couple days ago - I haven't screamed in over five years, if not more. I'm just not a screamer, and there hasn't been a need.

I want to go to the balcony (again) and just scream out my frustration for a while.


Maya Ganesan said...

Hmm. It sounds like you're having a terrible time...I'm so so sorry. I hope things get better for you. :( Why don't you go to the balcony right now?

Cassandra said...

Is it just me, or is January just a bad month across the board? =/

What's your username on Twitter?

Edge said...

Maya: Thanks - and I would go, except a bunch of high school kids are here for a preview weekend, and someone screaming from the balcony might give the wrong impression...:p

Cassandra: At this point, I don't think it's you. And I'm not actually on Twitter, I just use that style for posts occasionally :-)

Q said...


This is so worse than losing words. I'm sorry.

Priya said...

*meets Edge at the balcony and starts screaming too* I hate shrieking girls too. Especially when they're shrieking about something stupid. I completely sympathize with you.