Monday, January 5, 2009

Home Sweet Dorm

Woot. I am back home. (FYI, I'm now referring to my dorm as home, and my parents' house as Kingwood). I have seen exactly six people on campus - most other people have to wait until Sunday to get back in. :D There is little food in the pantry, and it's rush-hour traffic right now, which means I'm waiting until tomorrow to grocery shop. That'll be fun.

Alas, I must go get the rest of the stuff out of my car...I've been stalling in the warmth. It's 43 degrees out, thank goodness. I was afraid we'd have more of that nasty, humid 80-degree weather. It's January, for goodness sake. Let it be cold!


Gretchen Alice said...

43 degrees sounds positively balmy from where I'm at!

Somnite said...

Wow, 19 degrees here in sunny PA.

Lucky you. I havta wait until Sunday to go back home, but that's a full week before most people.

Q said...

It's 18 degrees here, and has been snowing for hours. (High five, Somnite.)

It's funny, I usually refer to "home" as the place where I am currently sleeping. When I'm on vacation, the hotel is "home".

Sarah Anne said...

5 degrees here. And I've been wearing shorts or a dress all day. Call me crazy, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. :)

Glad you're having nice weather! Wish I was in your dorm right now. :)

Edge said...

Gretchen: I can imagine. I'd rather have your weather than 80 degrees and muggy though.

Somnite: Fun stuff.

Q: Oh, snow! It snowed once here before break, and everyone turned into little kids. It was great.

GKB: Wow. You win. That is really, really, really cold. That's okay, I am crazy, so crazy people and I usually get along, haha.

Holly said...

I was about to say the same thing as Gretchen. When we have winter days in the forties in Wheaton, for me that means put on a skirt.

:) I remember when I realized that I was referring to my dorm as home.

Araken said...

Sounds lovely